Ministry Teams at FBCVA give hands and feet to our Christian faith.
First Impression Ministry Teams of FBCVA
First Impressions
Our First Impressions team serves the church by creating and maintaining an inviting atmosphere for our worship services and facilities.
First Impressions: Sunday Services
Greeters: Our welcome team for our worship services.
Kid’s Ministry Greeters: Our welcome team for our Kids Ministry, helping families with our check-in process.
Coffee Service: Prepare coffee for classes and worship services.
First Impressions: Facilities
Grounds: A team of people who work during the week to help maintain the flower beds and exterior grounds.
Monday Men: This team meets on Monday mornings to work on light maintenance and facility upkeep.
First Impressions: Media
Graphic Design / Web Services: Looking for individuals with skills and abilities with graphic and web design experience.
Videography / Photography - Individuals skilled in capturing and creating media.
Ministry Contact: Griff Servati
Worship and Production
Worship Team Our worship team is focused on putting the heart into the worship songs we sing in church, preparing them weekly, and working together to make the best sound available. Right now, our worship team consists of acoustic guitar, bass guitar, drums, and vocals, but we are always looking for new additions to those instruments or others to better our team! Rehearsals are on Thursdays at 6:30pm in the FLC
AV Team - Our worship wouldn’t sound anywhere as good without the help of those who work our soundboard and slides. In both our services, each team works to make sure that the audio and visual aspects of the service are running smoothly, as well as monitoring the livestream and camera during the 11:00 service in the FLC.
Choir Our choir meets Sundays at 6:00pm in the Worship Center to look over and rehearse choral anthems to bring to the church body. Singing both old hymns and newer songs, we seek to lift our voices as one in worship, using the gifts God has given us to glorify Him.
Ministry Leader: Keegan Byrd
Guardian Team
Guardians We are a trained team of FBCVA members who are utilized for the safekeeping of church members who attend services, or classes, at our campus in Van Alstyne. We, as Team Members, may be utilized in foot patrol capacity or in an assigned capacity according to needs of FBCVA, and the needs of our membership.
Normally when the Church has an on campus function such as RA or GA meeting or Sunday services we as , Guardians, will attend the premises to assure the safety of those who are attending the meetings.
Guardians will be either inside or outside the buildings, sometimes both. Our dedication is to be sure that all are safe while on property.
We have a set of minimum requirements that help us achieve our duties.
Upon filing out an application and returning it to the team, a background check will be completed and a team interview conducted of the applicant.
We require that an applicant attend, and complete, a Church safety education and orientation process. This will familiarize all Team members with like information and motivation and an opportunity to understand the possible ramifications of service in the capacity of a Guardian Team member.
Guardians should be in possession of a State of Texas LTC. If the applicant needs to attend a certification class, we can assist in that process.
Guardian Ministry Leader Bob Douglas
Monitor Team
Monitors We have individuals who are the “eyes” of our Guardian Team. The monitors serve by actively watching our camera system during our Sunday morning program. Individuals are trained on what to watch for and are equipped with radio equipment to communicate with our Guardian Team members.
The current rotation is every three weeks, with additional help, the time gap would increase. We have three-time slots that are monitored: 8:15-9:30am, 9:30-10:45am, and 10:45-12:15pm.
Guardian Ministry Leader Dan Kelly