What is Family Worship Sunday?
Family Worship Sunday is the last Sunday of each month.
Children go to their 9:30 class as usual, but around 10:45 parents will pick up their 1st – 4th grade kids and take them to the 11:00 worship service with them.
Childcare will still be provided for nursery, preschool & kindergarten during the 11:00 service.
What are the benefits of children worshipping with adults?
Children participating in corporate worship get to see something bigger than themselves.
Children need to know they are valued members of the church family, not an isolated group.
Children will develop a greater understanding of the Word of God. They will not grasp everything, but those nuggets of truth will have a cumulative effect that will give children a richer understanding of the Word.
Children need to see adults worship, particularly their own parents. This modeling has a powerful impact on kids.
Including children in worship helps develop intergenerational relationships in the church. Just as children benefit from seeing adults worship, adults benefit from seeing children worship.
“When we welcome kids in church, we acknowledge that they are important humans in the present, not just the future.”
Jesus said,
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14