Ministry Teams at FBCVA give hands and feet to our Christian faith.
Care Ministry Teams of FBCVA
Care Ministry (Existing)
Purpose: To lead the church in care ministry by ministering to individuals in life stages that bring added needs for Christian care.
Life Stage Groups:
Widows and Widowers
Prayer Team
What we do: A committed group of folks who love to pray from specific requests given to us by church family and community. We pray God’s Word on behalf of one requesting prayer.
How it works: The Prayer Team is a committed text based group. A text is sent to the prayer team identifying prayer request. We pray individually for that request. A text can be sent by any of the prayer team members.
No meetings involved
To initiate the prayer team:
Contact Team Leader or a FBCVA staff member.
How to get Involved:
Contact the Prayer team leader.
Ministry Leader: Jo Williamson
Would you like to be an encouragement to others? Do you practice the lost art of letter writing? We have a team that works together to mail cards to a list of church members every month. You would be assigned one or two months out of the year to send cards. Cards and stamps are provided.
Ministry Leader Suzanne Rackley
Bereavement Meals
Bereavement Meals meets the needs of families in their time of grief by providing a meal before or after a loved one’s funeral. Looking for those available during weekdays to help set up and serve the meals.
Ministry Leader Griff Servati
Care Ministry (Growth Areas)
We are looking to grow our ministry and care for these family groups. We are searching for team members interested in being a part of this effort to care for the following units:
Family Care
Foster Families
Adoptive Families
Single Parent Families
Ministry Contact Griff Servati
Contact: griff@fbcva.com