We have several aspects of the Joshua Project for which we are financially obligated to PROVIDE that are outside our Construction Costs. FBCVA would like to give you an opportunity to become a PROVISION PARTNER to help us meet these additional costs. Below you will find some specific areas where you can become a PARTNER to PROVIDE some needed funds, along with a goal amount that should completely fund that area.
Kid's Rooms Provision Partner
Up to $12,000 per room, our goal is to furnish ten rooms.
Includes furniture, instructional aids, electronics, manipulatives, safety equipment
Playground Provision Partner
Goal $60,000
Includes equipment specified by Lionheart, flooring, and fencing to enclose the play area.
Kitchen Provision Partner
Goal $18,000
Includes all appliances as well as utensils used in this area
Landscaping Provision Partner
Goal $15,000
Includes trees, shrubbery, flower beds, grass and irrigation systems for all greenery
Become a Provision Partner
Each of the four provision areas above has buttons for specific account links to give online. If you would like to give offline, here are some of the ways to do so:
Worship Services: As you enter the FLC, there is a mounted offering box in the lobby. The mounted box has envelopes that can be used to make a donation with a notation of which category you wish to become a partner.
Mailing Address: First Baptist Church, PO Bx 447, Van Alstyne, Texas, 75495 Please make a notation of one of the categories you are partnering with.
Delivery: Donations can be dropped off during office hours Monday-Thursday 8:00-4:30pm.